When the song comes to an end, and you can’t dance anymore, it becomes clear to many what they have done, the places they have been, the faces they have seen, the things we have done, and the things we didn’t do. Some of the faces you probably wouldn’t want to see anymore and those you probably wanted to see the rest of your life and some are currently present in your everyday life, that’s life and reality of it is often a cold realization of the facade you might have created to tell yourself this is how things will play out, this is how you want them to play out but when something actually play out you see a future that has zero or nothing to do with the one imagined you dreamt, many elements come into play, many things change your way and they might change it for better or worse either way they change it.

Photo credit: Pnd.com

You are left to imagine how you couldn’t see it coming but here’s a sad truth, we often sort see it coming but we choose to neglect it because it’s not our heart desire, it’s not the dream we have, it’s not part of the plan and in the end we find out its the only plan there ever was no matter how we run from it, some call it “destiny”, some call it ” the stars aligning”, others call it ” the Universe” call it what you want but know the names you call doesn’t change what it is and its something you can’t run from, some may hide, some may run, but it always travels at a different pace and when its time you will run no more. When all is said and done, what will your story be? If you run the report, would it make you smile? Would you feel fulfilled? Would it inspire an uprising generation with little or minimal idea of what their story should/would be when their time comes, or will it steer up the buried and long gone matters?

These questions only you can answer; these questions will hoverer around your head like a chandelier dangling from the ceiling above your head. Did you do things your way? Or you did it their way? Were you who you said you were or who they said you are? Some of us lock away from the integral parts of us because the world doesn’t accept it, just because they don’t like it.

We kill the person who we are supposed to be to become the person they want us to be, some live for the crowd but don’t live for themselves; we live by their words and not ours, some of us become shadows of ourselves just to become puppets of the puppet masters. It only becomes clear what we have done when the song we have been dancing to is ending. Then we realize we have danced to music called ” THE OPINIONS OF MANY”, but we sadly can’t change the song now. Hence, we have to keep dancing, so the question is when your music is at its end, if given a chance to take it back to the start, will you dance in the same pattern once again?