Theflip is an entertainment article Magazine and Blog showcasing and maintaining an agile way of life through career growth, lifestyle ,fashion, stories, gossip, health & well-being. With passion and an unrelenting commitment to excellence,
we are launching this magazine and Blog to educate,entertains, engages, inspires and
attract audiences with no exemption.
We aim to get involved in healthy conversations as well as responding and sharing of opinions on our Blog to create a community for excellence. We have leading featured stories that reflect the lifestyle, mental health, meaningful relationship with a dose of good humour for the
Theflip magazine and Blog is unique and different from any of its kind out there.

Theflip Magazine has a lot of new and creative content that is coming as captivating headlines.
You will embrace the journey of Theflip Magazine along with the fast-paced
routine of your daily life and fast-changing Trends.

What makes us stand out from other platforms are our original Series of stories and Drama
incorporated in a fashion and entertainment magazine. Our stories are not just
limited to classics but intriguing masterpiece. We will be adding many types of
stories that include fiction, non-fiction, romance, thrillers, biographies and many more.

We promote equality, ethnicity and diversity hence the reason why we try to incorporate all aspects of entertainment to reach our
wider audience.


     FOUNDER/ CEO       

Precious Baker is an Entrepreneur who has developed a lot of experience in both the IT and entertainment industries. She is enthusiastic about making a difference in having a work-life-balance and breaking the barrier of not being able to have that agile lifestyle to enjoying the best things in life while also having our career blossoming in the right path. Entertainment for her is a lifestyle choice to bring in fun into our everyday life and her journey into the entertainment world started when she was a teenager. Precious has done several entertainment production jobs in Nigeria and in the UK and she is passionate about her targeted audience.


As a An Agile coach and BI delivery lead, Precious has been able to understand the importance of bringing agility into our way of life to help improve and have a balanced lifestyle, hence the birth of Theflip which is a space to have all that is important in our life within one amazing medium creating a community for growth. which is truly extra special.

Precious also wants to deliver a happy medium where her audience can comfortably educate themselves with other aspects of life, including health, thrilling stories and Articles in a fun and relaxed manner incorporated with fashion and hot celebrity gossip.


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