In the words of the famous American group of 4, black-eyed peas- where is the love? It’s not just a song title. It’s a song that applies to the world we live in at the moment; it’s a question to everyone who reads this, what is going on? Where are we headed?. Every day, the news has a seafood platter of disheartening and thought-provoking information, and their treas never runs dry. There’s a lot to deal with. Many of us have chosen to go to hell in a hand-basket, and a more significant number are asking what’s hell, while others seek companions. Some of us seek someone to join in and make hell less hellish if there is a word like that.

What’s gone wrong?.

Why are we seeking to destroy each other so badly we can’t see that we are losing our true essence? Why are there so many deaths, tragedies, and nerve-racking stories that have you questioning if we care enough for the next man or the future? From wars to gruesome and unspeakable evil to masterminded plans to wipe out a nation.

 What have we lost?.

Why is love taking a back seat to hating? Why is hate the order of the day?

What is our problem? Really what is. Because pain is everywhere you look, hate seems to be the clouds these days, impatience and intolerant behaviors leading to severe head-on collisions in all we do these days. Has humanity lost it? Have we lost it? So many questions yet little or no answers. The saying wars are still about old taking sh*t and young men dying is still relevant today, and I don’t need to point to the eastern direction before you get this; why do the future fight for the insatiable egos of the old and withering past. This older generation who have led national and societies astray. When does it end? When do we see the damage we have done to our mother earth? The plan is to find another planet that can allow our kind to survive and then abandon the world with leftovers not fit for the new society. That trust is laughable to some, or maybe I am just thinking aloud regardless. Here’s one to ponder is COVID indeed an engineered weapon to wipe out millions in a bid to reduce the world’s population, or was it another natural occurrence?. Your guess is as good as mine. But let’s not dabble too far in… we don’t know who’s reading. However, we hope it sparks something in you.

It would seem humanity is failing itself, and many of us are losing our way each day. Rules, laws, and protocols are tossed aside for personal satisfaction, lies, racial divide, political goals, vanity, and more, regardless of who or what gets hurt. Where do we go from here? How do we get back to a people of love beyond colours, love beyond tribe, love beyond religion, love beyond race? That’s a huge question. The answer lies in what makes us one of the strongest and most intelligent beings on earth; it gives us our identity, what makes us who we are and what we want. We all want to be loved. We all want love, a love that doesn’t question or judge or point fingers, a love that lets us be the best we can be, a love above reasoning, that’s a love that is true and pure, so my question for you is ‘where is that love?’.