In our school days, we all learned a story about an ant and grasshopper, where the ant was saving food for winter while the grasshopper was living in the moment, and in the end, we know it didn’t end well for the grasshopper. We can and should think about taking precautions for the betterment of our bodies. Good health and healthy people don’t just happen overnight. It takes long planning and discipline to avoid worry and disease later in life. Changing everyday approaches to physical and mental measures and committing to this life course with dedication is what it takes to achieve a near to ideal healthy life.

There is only one secret to good health, and that is it’s not any secret, but a beautiful blend of some therapeutic measures that can assure good health when practised together. Here are these measures that are part of this one secret formula one can take to achieve this goal in life.

Eating Good Diet:

Eating healthy food coming from natural resources and avoiding junk, processed food is one major step towards good health. It can help your body getting all essential nutrients for optimum health condition without adding toxic additives.


Good health requires getting out of your bed daily and giving some physical challenges to your body for it to work optimally. It is hard to come out of your comfort zone and regularly practice an exercise schedule but know that this routine outweighs the risks of a lazy, sedentary lifestyle. Gentle exercises for 30 minutes a day or more than 150 minutes per week can reduce the risk of many cardiac and other diseases.

Balanced Sleep Pattern:

After all the diet and exercise, you’d need a good sleep for your body to recycle and recharge for the next day’s challenges. Believe me when I say this, sleeping at least 6 to 8 hours a day is as essential for your good health as any other thing in this secret formula. One important thing to keep in mind is that a night’s sleep is always better than a day’s sleep, so keep your sleep-wake cycle balanced according to your geographic region.

Managing Stress:

As much as people don’t give attention to common mental health problems occurring due to stress, it can take a toll on one’s mind and ultimately deteriorating body functions if sustained for an extended period. So not avoiding but managing stress can help to achieve good health. Exercising (relaxation, breathing, yoga), writing, meditating, and talking to loved ones can help managing stress. 

Practice Gratitude:

The last but not most minor tip is to be grateful. Focusing on all the good about your life and avoiding all negativity can reduce the toxicity out of your life and can have long-lasting positive impacts on your mind and your body.