Mother’s day is a holiday regarding motherhood that is seen in different forms overall. The American embodiment of mother’s day was generated by Anna Jarvis in 1908 and became an official holiday in 1914.

The celebration of mother’s day or motherhood can be traced back to the Romans, who organized festivals in honour of the mother goddesses and Cybele. Still, modern mother’s day is the clear early Christian festival.

Mother’s day is celebrated worldwide in more than 45 countries, though not all countries celebrate on the same day. Many countries celebrate mother’s day on the second Sunday of May, and some countries celebrate it on May 10th of every year. In Thailand, Mother’s day is celebrated on the birthday of the current queen.

Early Christians celebrated the 4th Sunday of lent as a mother’s festival to regard Mary, the mother of Christ. The tradition of the UK of mother’s day is very similar to its American peer, but its start is different, although it wasn’t a formal holiday till 1914. We have been celebrating mother’s day for many years. This day we memorize cards, presents, surprise meals, and other things made with love.

Many children give many presents to their mother on mother’s day, the most popular mother’s day gift is a card. It may be handmade or purchased from some shop. Many young people make cards with love to give their mom to mark the day. The second most favourite thing to buy on mother’s day is flowers. People garb the bunch of flowers from the supermarket then place them in the flower pot, and it looks like a fantastic surprise on mother’s day. And most striking fact about mother’s day is that more phone calls are made than on any other day of the year. It’s no surprise everyone calls or message their mom to wish them a happy mother’s day. These chats cause phone traffic to be high as 37%.

Mother’s day holiday has religious origins in the United Kingdom. Mother’s day is held on the 4th Sunday of Lent. In the 17 century, families who had left their homes returned to the original church they attended, and traditionally many girls also cooked different foods, primarily fruitcakes, for their mothers.

Many people ditch their kitchen and eat out on mother day on mother’s day. More than 75% of adults went to restaurants with their mom to eat while dining options are likely limited this year; many adults pick up or give orders to many local restaurants or donate to many charities. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.